No one, except perhaps a proctologist, likes to talk about
hemorrhoids. There is also very little information on hemorrhoids in the
mainstream press, leading one to believe that it is a rare condition.
Yet, hemorrhoids affect a surprisingly large number of people; based on a 1991study on hemorrhoids and other bowel disorders by Sidney Wanderman, M.D. and Betty Rothbart, it's estimated that about 100 million Americans suffer from them.
men choose to suffer in silence, undoubtedly due to embarrassment and
an unwillingness to seek help. For these affected men, bowel movements
and sitting on hard surfaces, among other things, are rendered
dreadfully painful experiences.
But rest assured, there is something you can do to prevent and cure hemorrhoids.
What are hemorrhoids?
We all have hemorrhoidal veins in our anal areas. When irritated, these veins can get inflamed or swollen, and even bleed — a condition commonly referred to as hemorrhoids. There are two types of hemorrhoids: external and internal.
Typically, internal hemorrhoids can be divided into four stages or degrees of development.
1. In the first degree, small hemorrhoids develop on the lining of the anal canal. For most people, this is not noticeable unless hard stool scraping on their surface causes slight bleeding.
2. In the second degree, a small portion of the hemorrhoids may protrude out of the anus during bowel movements. However, the connective tissue of the anal canal is still strong enough to spontaneously draw the hemorrhoids back within the anus.
3. In the third degree, the painful hemorrhoids remain in a prolapsed or protruding condition and can be carefully put back inside the anus by hand.
4. The most serious and advanced development of hemorrhoids is the fourth degree. At this point, a large amount of hemorrhoids permanently protrude out of the anus. In this debilitating and very painful condition, emergency surgery may be required.
Find out if you're at risk of developing this condition and what you can do to prevent its onset...
Most hemorrhoids are likely caused by straining on the toilet. Other causes include heredity, aging, chronic constipation, bouts of diarrhea, anal sex or spending too much time reading on the toilet.
Once you get hemorrhoids, you're likely to always have them — this is because swelling weakens the vein walls and thus makes them prone to future swelling. Fortunately, for most people, hemorrhoid "flare-ups" heal on their own within a couple of days.
Eat more fiber: Eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help make stool bulkier and easier to pass.
Drink lots of water and fluids: This makes stool softer, which reduces straining.
Go when "nature calls": Otherwise, your stool can dry and harden, making it more difficult to pass.
Exercise: Keeping an active, healthy lifestyle can help reduce pressure on veins and keep you from getting constipated.
Don't sit or stand for too long: Both standing and sitting can add pressure to your veins. If you have a desk job, taking periodic breaks to move around can help reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids.
Take a bath: Soaking in a tub of warm water for about 10 minutes to 15 minutes can help reduce swelling and decrease pain.
Ice it: A cold compress to the affected area can help reduce the swelling.
Apply creams: Over-the-counter creams and wipes containing witch hazel, hydrocortisone or other anti-inflammatory agents can help reduce swelling and alleviate pain. Wiping with moist wipes can also prevent continued irritation of the area.
Ligation: A rubber band is wrapped around hemorrhoids to cut off blood circulation to them. The hemorrhoids and the band will shrivel and fall off within days, but it may take a couple of weeks for the area to completely heal. This procedure is usually painful and may cause bleeding.
Sclerotherapy: A chemical solution is injected into the vein to shrink the hemorrhoids.
Coagulation: A laser is used to burn off or shrivel the hemorrhoid tissue.
Hemorrhoidectomy: Usually reserved for permanently prolapsed or protruding hemorrhoids, these are anal surgeries that are carried out under anesthesia and may require hospitalization afterward.
The main active ingredient in Hemaron, a purified extract of Sophora japonica or the Japanese Pagoda tree, can help normalize the permeability of veins and capillaries, strengthen vein walls, and provide the necessary nutrients to maintain good vein health. Hemaron can relieve the pain, itching, tenderness, and discomfort of hemorrhoids.
Studies on Sophora extracts have shown that 94% of subjects receiving Sophora japonica extracts were symptom-free or had significantly improved hemorrhoid conditions, such as bleeding, itching and inflammation, compared to 23% of placebo-treated subjects.
In addition to Sophora, Hemaron also includes horse chestnut, which has been shown to help support vascular circulation and strengthen connective tissue, and Butcher's broom, an herb with anti-inflammatory properties.
For more information about Hemaron and its money-back guarantee, please visit
By Alex Santoso, Ph.D.

But rest assured, there is something you can do to prevent and cure hemorrhoids.
What are hemorrhoids?
We all have hemorrhoidal veins in our anal areas. When irritated, these veins can get inflamed or swollen, and even bleed — a condition commonly referred to as hemorrhoids. There are two types of hemorrhoids: external and internal.
External hemorrhoids
An external hemorrhoid is a soft lump around the anal opening. Sometimes, a condition known as thrombosed hemorrhoids can occur; in this case, a blood clot develops and the lump becomes hard. External hemorrhoids are usually painful, as the tissue around the anus is densely covered with nerve endings.Internal hemorrhoids
Since there are not a lot of pain-sensitive nerve endings inside the anal canal, internal hemorrhoids may not be painful. During a bowel movement, however, these hemorrhoids may bleed. Sometimes, this type of hemorrhoid can become inflamed and irritated to the point that it is pushed outside the anal opening in a condition called prolapsed hemorrhoids.Typically, internal hemorrhoids can be divided into four stages or degrees of development.
1. In the first degree, small hemorrhoids develop on the lining of the anal canal. For most people, this is not noticeable unless hard stool scraping on their surface causes slight bleeding.
2. In the second degree, a small portion of the hemorrhoids may protrude out of the anus during bowel movements. However, the connective tissue of the anal canal is still strong enough to spontaneously draw the hemorrhoids back within the anus.
3. In the third degree, the painful hemorrhoids remain in a prolapsed or protruding condition and can be carefully put back inside the anus by hand.
4. The most serious and advanced development of hemorrhoids is the fourth degree. At this point, a large amount of hemorrhoids permanently protrude out of the anus. In this debilitating and very painful condition, emergency surgery may be required.
Those who suffer from hemorrhoids often experience bleeding or spotting, itching, pain, and discomfort during (and sometimes after) bowel movements. In extreme cases, internal hemorrhoids can protrude and external ones can develop blood clots.Find out if you're at risk of developing this condition and what you can do to prevent its onset...
Are you at risk?
Everyone can get hemorrhoids. In fact, more than half of the population develops hemorrhoids by the age of 50.Most hemorrhoids are likely caused by straining on the toilet. Other causes include heredity, aging, chronic constipation, bouts of diarrhea, anal sex or spending too much time reading on the toilet.
Once you get hemorrhoids, you're likely to always have them — this is because swelling weakens the vein walls and thus makes them prone to future swelling. Fortunately, for most people, hemorrhoid "flare-ups" heal on their own within a couple of days.
Can they be prevented?
If you are lucky enough not to have hemorrhoids, there are some things you can do to prevent them. And even if you already have hemorrhoids, it is possible to prevent future flare-ups. Here are a few things you can do:Eat more fiber: Eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help make stool bulkier and easier to pass.
Drink lots of water and fluids: This makes stool softer, which reduces straining.
Go when "nature calls": Otherwise, your stool can dry and harden, making it more difficult to pass.
Exercise: Keeping an active, healthy lifestyle can help reduce pressure on veins and keep you from getting constipated.
Don't sit or stand for too long: Both standing and sitting can add pressure to your veins. If you have a desk job, taking periodic breaks to move around can help reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids.
Self-treatment for temporary relief
Although most hemorrhoids heal on their own, there are some things you can do to speed up this process and spare yourself the suffering. For chronic hemorrhoid sufferers, the following may also help reduce the symptoms:Take a bath: Soaking in a tub of warm water for about 10 minutes to 15 minutes can help reduce swelling and decrease pain.
Ice it: A cold compress to the affected area can help reduce the swelling.
Apply creams: Over-the-counter creams and wipes containing witch hazel, hydrocortisone or other anti-inflammatory agents can help reduce swelling and alleviate pain. Wiping with moist wipes can also prevent continued irritation of the area.
Medical and surgical treatments
Usually reserved for extreme cases of hemorrhoids, surgical treatments of hemorrhoids include:Ligation: A rubber band is wrapped around hemorrhoids to cut off blood circulation to them. The hemorrhoids and the band will shrivel and fall off within days, but it may take a couple of weeks for the area to completely heal. This procedure is usually painful and may cause bleeding.
Sclerotherapy: A chemical solution is injected into the vein to shrink the hemorrhoids.
Coagulation: A laser is used to burn off or shrivel the hemorrhoid tissue.
Hemorrhoidectomy: Usually reserved for permanently prolapsed or protruding hemorrhoids, these are anal surgeries that are carried out under anesthesia and may require hospitalization afterward.
Herbal supplements
Another possibility for treating hemorrhoids is to use herbal ingredients. An herbal supplement called Hemaron has been shown to be very promising for natural hemorrhoid treatment with no unwanted side effects.The main active ingredient in Hemaron, a purified extract of Sophora japonica or the Japanese Pagoda tree, can help normalize the permeability of veins and capillaries, strengthen vein walls, and provide the necessary nutrients to maintain good vein health. Hemaron can relieve the pain, itching, tenderness, and discomfort of hemorrhoids.
Studies on Sophora extracts have shown that 94% of subjects receiving Sophora japonica extracts were symptom-free or had significantly improved hemorrhoid conditions, such as bleeding, itching and inflammation, compared to 23% of placebo-treated subjects.
In addition to Sophora, Hemaron also includes horse chestnut, which has been shown to help support vascular circulation and strengthen connective tissue, and Butcher's broom, an herb with anti-inflammatory properties.
Why continue to suffer?
Left untreated, hemorrhoids can become more than a mere annoyance; they can seriously hamper your active lifestyle and cause a great amount of unnecessary discomfort. There's a lot you can do to prevent hemorrhoids, from changing your diet and bowel habits to using herbal supplements. Remember: You don't have to suffer from hemorrhoids any longer.For more information about Hemaron and its money-back guarantee, please visit
By Alex Santoso, Ph.D.